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The Godfather: Corleone's Empire Board Game


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Take control of one of the most powerful crime families in New York City

Get ready to make an offer that can’t be refused.

In The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire, players control of one of the five different crime families in 1950s New York City. Everyone is vying to take over the main operations, should Don Vito Corleone meet an untimely end.

Over the course of four acts, players send out Family Members and Thugs to shake down businesses in order to earn money, illegal goods, and other benefits. They battle over territory in Turf Wars and get special bonuses for completing jobs for the Don. Players can add new Allies to their family business, if they’re willing to pay heavy bribes, but having the most money is the key to victory. They have to decide how much they’re willing to spend. During each act, it’s also necessary to pay a tribute to Don Corleone, so players have to launder their money away if they want to be able to keep it.

After four acts, players receive bonuses for the Turf they control and the jobs they’ve managed to pull. The family with the most money will inherit the business of Don Corleone and take control over New York City.

  • For 2-5 Players
  • 90 minute playing time
  • Ages 14 and up