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Safari Ltd Black Wolf Toy Figure

Safari Ltd.

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Safari Ltd toy figure of a black wolf. A color variation of the gray wolf, black wolves can be found all across Europe, Asia, and North America. Famous for traveling in packs, each group of wolves has a dominant, or alpha, male and female. They use their iconic howl to communicate with other packs.

  • History: Wolves, and in specific cases black wolves, are a common symbol in many different cultures and mythologies throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. They are often associated with both power and evil, most commonly depicted in the infamous stories and imagery about werewolves.
  • Scientific Name: Canus lupus.
  • Characteristics: As black and as fierce as the night, this life-like black wolf toy figurine recreates the sleek image of this impressive pack hunter, including its piercing yellow eyes. Its head perked up, this wolf has caught the scent of nearby prey.
  • Size: Standing 5.3" long and just under 3" wide, our black wolf toy model is a touch larger than a soda can on its side.